Tuesday, February 25, 2025
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Could when you eat be as important as what you eat?


Woman sitting in front of the refrigerator and eating pizza slice

It is close to midnight and I am bingeing both on a Netflix show and leftovers from the fridge. I know I will regret it in the morning – and perhaps for years to come.

With my late-night feasting, I am inadvertently playing fast and loose with a system that evolved to keep my body in sync with the natural 24-hour cycle of day and night. Its effects include setting optimum times to eat, and there is emerging evidence that overriding this schedule can have severe consequences for health.

This article is part of a series on nutrition that delves into some of the hottest trends of the moment. Read more here.

The syncing begins in a small cluster of neurons in the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which is the body’s central timekeeper. Its function is to make sure biological processes such as falling asleep occur at the optimal time. The SCN is reset daily by light and darkness, creating a roughly 24-hour cycle called the circadian rhythm. It also coordinates appetite to ensure that we have adequate supplies of energy during the day and can get through a night’s sleep without being awoken by digestion or hunger.

This translates into natural peaks in appetite in the morning and early evening. Processes involved in the digestion, absorption and metabolism of food are similarly coordinated by the SCN to be primed for action at the appropriate times.

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Just a moment…


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AI helps driverless cars predict how unseen pedestrians may move


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A driverless car in downtown Los Angeles

Allen J. Schaben/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images

The artificial intelligence systems that control driverless cars can still struggle to predict the sudden appearance of other vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians – but a new algorithm has shown how they can more accurately anticipate the presence of such hidden objects, and predict their movements.

“We ensured that it captured real-world complexities like hidden pedestrians or cyclists moving unpredictably,” says Hari Thiruvengada at VERSES AI, a cognitive computing company headquartered in California. “We added occlusion reasoning to help anticipate the behaviour of road users hidden from direct…

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