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Grocery stores that donate expiring food instead of price discounting or discarding make higher profits, says researcher

Grocery stores that donate expiring food instead of price discounting or discarding make higher profits, says researcher

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain

All major supermarkets and retailers that sell groceries, such as Kroger, Walmart and Costco, give large amounts of food to food banks and pantries. In 2022, retailers donated close to 2 billion pounds of food across the United States, which amounted to US$3.5 billion that year. The estimated value of donated food was a little less than $2 per pound in 2022.

Retailers donate products that are typically packaged, palatable and safe for consumption, yet unsuitable for sale due to quality concerns, such as minor blemishes. Since these items can go a long way to feeding hungry people, donations represent one of the best uses of leftover or surplus food.

Donations are also technically acts of charity, and the companies responsible for them get tax breaks. This means that donations boost profits by lowering costs. There’s a second effect of donations on a store’s bottom line: They improve the quality of food on the store’s shelves and increase revenue from food sales.

As a supply chain scholar who studies food banks, I worked with a team of economists to estimate the effects of retail food donations. We used sales data for five perishable food categories sold by two competing retail chains, with stores located in a large, Midwestern metropolitan area. We found that stores that remove items on the brink of expiration, donate them to food banks and fill up the emptied shelf space with fresher inventory get more revenue from sales and earn higher profits.

Retailers donate 30% of what food banks give their clients

U.S. food banks, which have been operating for more than 50 years, give away over 6 billion pounds of food annually.

They get about 30% of that food for free from supermarkets and big-box retailers that sell groceries. Prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, retailers supplied more than twice as much food to food banks as the federal government did. The volume of food supplied by federal programs administered by the United States Department of Agriculture, such as the Emergency Food Assistance Program, has steadily increased since 2020, to now almost match the volume of food donated by retailers.

In 2022, for example, the network of more than 200 Feeding America member food banks procured about 2 billion pounds from retailers and almost 1.5 billion pounds from government programs.

The remaining 2.88 billion pounds of food were either purchased directly, provided by farmers, donated by food processing companies or donated by people and organizations in local communities.

Despite several federal programs that help low-income people get food and the nation’s robust network of food banks and food pantries, nearly 50 million Americans are experiencing food insecurity. That means they can’t get enough nutritious food to eat at least some of the time.

Retail donation routines are established but inconsistent

When food on a store’s shelves is on the verge of expiration, store managers have three options. They can donate or discard it, or sell it at a discount.

Stores that regularly donate food have established routines for when they set aside about-to-expire food to give away. However, these routines are often inconsistent.

Many stores donate only on a seasonal basis or just give away certain kinds of food. For example, they might donate only meat, baked goods or fruits and vegetables. In many cases, donations take a backseat to more immediate priorities, such as customer service.

Those realities can increase the likelihood that food will land at the dump instead of on somebody’s table.

Although millions of Americans struggle to find their next meal, close to 40% of food gets thrown out along the supply chain, as food moves between agricultural producers, factories, retailers and consumers. This is largely due to logistical challenges: It’s hard to transport and distribute highly perishable food.

Discounts on food can undercut sales

Stores often prefer to sell food on the brink of expiration at a discount rather than donate it or throw it out due to the money they recoup that way. This option, however, also keeps the discounted food on the shelf, where it takes up valuable space that could otherwise hold fresher inventory.

Shelf space dedicated to the sale and promotion of full-priced products competes with that for price-discounted food. Stocking perishable foods that are starting to look iffy—such as bananas with brown spots sold alongside unblemished yellow bananas—could harm a retailer’s image if shoppers start to question the store’s quality.

In other words, if consumers make judgments based on all the produce that’s on display, then it may be better for stores if they don’t sell sad-looking bananas and instead just give them away.

My research team calls this practice “preemptive removal.” Increasing the average quality level of food on display does more than improve a store’s appearance. We used panel data with over 20,000 observations, and we included 21 retail stores that compete in a similar market geography. The five fresh food categories were bakery, dairy, deli, meat and produce.

Stores that donated food, instead of discounting it, may have made better use of the limited room to display fresher inventory. My research team found that food donations can increase average food prices by up to 1%, which corresponds to a 33% increase in profit margins. Profit margins for supermarkets and other food retailers are quite low and typically hover below 3%.

That means even a small increment in food prices, even a 1% bump up, can translate into significantly higher profits for retailers. At the same time, increasing the volume of retail food donations would get more food to people who need it, limit hunger and reduce food insecurity.

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The Conversation

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.The Conversation

Grocery stores that donate expiring food instead of price discounting or discarding make higher profits, says researcher (2024, September 26)
retrieved 26 September 2024

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Climate change will lead to wetter US winters, modeling study finds

Climate change will lead to wetter US winters, modeling study finds

Climate change will lead to wetter US winters, modeling study finds
Projected area-weighted subregional changes in seasonal precipitation (2070–2099 relative to 1985–2014). Credit: npj Climate and Atmospheric Science (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41612-024-00761-8

Most Americans can expect wetter winters in the future due to global warming, according to a new study led by a University of Illinois Chicago scientist.

Using climate models to investigate how winter precipitation in the United States will change by the end of the 21st century, a team led by Akintomide Akinsanola found overall winter precipitation and extreme weather events will increase across most of the country.

The study in npj Climate and Atmospheric Science also reported an increased frequency in “very wet” winters—those which would rank in the top 5% of U.S. historical total winter precipitation. By the end of the 21st century, these previously rare winters would happen as often as once every four years in some parts of the country.

Combined with a shift from snow to rain in many parts of the country, the changes will have dramatic implications for agriculture, water resources, flooding and other climate-sensitive areas, said Akinsanola, assistant professor of Earth and environmental sciences at UIC.

“We found that, unlike summer and other seasons where projected changes in precipitation is highly uncertain, there will be a robust future intensification of winter precipitation,” Akinsanola said. “It will accelerate well past what we have seen in historic data.”

The team used 19 Earth system models in their study and carried out their analysis over the seven U.S. subregions defined in the National Climate Assessment Report. The study compared projected precipitation at the end of the 21st century (2070-2099) to the present period (1985-2014).

Across the entire United States, they showed an increase in mean winter precipitation of about 2%–5% per degree of warming by the end of the 21st century. In terms of absolute change, the Northwest and Northeast U.S. saw the largest increases. Six of the seven regions will also experience more frequent very wet winters, with the sharpest increases seen in the Northeast and Midwest.

The southern Great Plains—states along the southern border such as Texas and Oklahoma—was the only region where projected changes were very small and highly uncertain. In this region, more frequent extreme dry events will offset or outweigh the increasing extreme wet events, Akinsanola said.

The findings highlight that changes in winter precipitation will have a significant impact nationwide and, in some regions, more impact than expected changes in spring and summer precipitation.

The mix of precipitation also will likely change in many areas. Previous studies have projected that as temperatures rise, more precipitation will fall as rain rather than snow, resulting in lower snow depth. This reduced snowpack plus higher rain will stress existing systems.

“There will be a need for updating or upgrading infrastructure, because we’re not just talking about the mean precipitation, we’re also talking about an increase in extreme events,” Akinsanola said. “Drainage systems and buildings will have to be improved to cope with potential floods and storm damage.”

In current and future work, Akinsanola will use higher-resolution models to predict changes in precipitation, heat waves, compound dry and hot extremes and other extreme events on a more local level. He conducts some of his research in association with the Environmental Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory, where he holds a joint appointment.

More information:
Akintomide A. Akinsanola et al, Robust future intensification of winter precipitation over the United States, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41612-024-00761-8

Climate change will lead to wetter US winters, modeling study finds (2024, September 26)
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Parents will have to set aside some earnings for child influencers under new California laws

Parents will have to set aside some earnings for child influencers under new California laws

child influencers
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

Parents in California who profit from social media posts featuring their children will be required to set aside some earnings for their minor influencers under a pair of measures signed Thursday by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

California led the nation nearly 80 years ago in setting ground rules to protect child performers from financial abuse, but those regulations needed updating, Newsom said. The existing law covers children working in movies and TV but doesn’t extend to minors making their names on platforms such as TikTok and Instagram.

Family-style vlogs, where influencers share details of their daily lives with countless strangers on the internet, have become a popular and lucrative way to earn money for many.

Besides coordinated dances and funny toddler comments, family vlogs nowadays may share intimate details of their children’s lives — grades, potty training, illnesses, misbehaviors, first periods — for strangers to view. Brand deals featuring the internet’s darlings can reap tens of thousands of dollars per video, but there have been minimal regulations for the “sharenthood” industry, which experts say can cause serious harm to children.

“A lot has changed since Hollywood’s early days, but here in California, our laser focus on protecting kids from exploitation remains the same,” he said in a statement. “In old Hollywood, child actors were exploited. In 2024, it’s now child influencers. Today, that modern exploitation ends through two new laws to protect young influencers on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and other social media platforms.”

The California laws protecting child social media influencers follow the first-in-the-nation legislation in Illinois that took effect this July. The California measures apply to all children under 18, while the Illinois law covers those under 16.

The California measures, which received overwhelming bipartisan support, require parents and guardians who monetize their children’s online presence to establish a trust for the starlets. Parents will have to keep records of how many minutes the children appear in their online content and how much money they earn from those posts, among other things.

The laws entitle child influencers to a percentage of earnings based on how often they appear on video blogs or online content that generates at least 10 cents per view. The children could sue their parents for failing to do so.

Children employed as content creators on platforms such as YouTube will also have at least 15% of their earnings deposited in a trust for when they turn 18. An existing state law has provided such protection to child actors since 1939 after a silent film-era child actor Jackie Coogan sued his parents for squandering his earnings.

The new laws will take effect next year.

The laws have the support from The Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, or, SAG-AFTRA, and singer Demi Lovato, a former child star who has spoken publicly about child performers abuse.

“In order to build a better future for the next generation of child stars, we need to put protections in place for minors working in the digital space,” Lovato said in a statement. “I’m grateful to Governor Newsom for taking action with this update to the Coogan Law that will ensure children featured on social media are granted agency when they come of age and are properly compensated for the use of their name and likeness.”

The new laws protecting child influencers are part of ongoing efforts by Newsom to address the mental health impacts of social media on children. Newsom earlier this month also signed a bill to curb student phone access at schools and ban social media platforms from knowingly providing addictive feeds to children without parental consent.

© 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

Parents will have to set aside some earnings for child influencers under new California laws (2024, September 26)
retrieved 26 September 2024

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Presence of bacteria in soil makes flowers more attractive to pollinators, study shows

Presence of bacteria in soil makes flowers more attractive to pollinators, study shows

Presence of bacteria in soil makes flowers more attractive to pollinators, study shows
Female bumblebees visiting flowers of Chamaecrista latistipula in the wild. The insect makes internal parts of the flower vibrate in order to extract protein-rich pollen grains, which it carries away to feed to the colony’s larvae. Credit: Anselmo Nogueira

Bacteria that live in soil and help roots fix nitrogen can boost certain plants’ capacity to reproduce, according to an article published in the American Journal of Botany describing a study of this mechanism in Chamaecrista latistipula, a legume belonging to the Fabaceae family, which includes beans and peas.

Bacteria in the soil enhance the attractiveness of the plant’s flowers to pollinators via a type of relationship known as mutualism that is widespread in plants and animals. Microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi contribute to and benefit from mutualistic relationships with plants, whereby both sides obtain more nutrients or reproduce more vigorously, for example.

In the case of C. latistipula, a shrub with a native range spanning Bolivia, Brazil and northeast Argentina, the soil it inhabits tends to be nutrient-poor, and it depends on a specific type of pollinator to reproduce.

“Its mutualistic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria increases the supply of the nutrient to its roots in exchange for the sugar on which they feed,” said Anselmo Nogueira, a professor at the Federal University of the ABC’s Center for Natural and Human Sciences (CCNH-UFABC) in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo state, Brazil.

“The plant also has a mutualistic relationship with a specific type of pollinator. The pollen stored in its flowers’ anthers is only released when they are made to vibrate, mainly by being shaken by females of some species of bumblebee in the genus Bombus.”

A greenhouse experiment conducted at the Plant-Animal Interaction Laboratory, which Nogueira heads, showed that these bacteria play a significant role in making flowers attractive to bumblebees, especially for plants growing in nutrient-poor soil.

“We also observed a drastic effect that we hadn’t expected. Because the association with bacteria is very costly for the plant, we assumed that in nitrogen-rich soil the plants would simply take nitrogen directly from the soil, but in our experiments nutrient-rich soil didn’t produce healthy plants with attractive flowers,” said Caroline Souza, first author of the article.

The experiment was part of the project “Synergistic effect of multiple mutualists on plants: how bacteria, ants and bees contribute to the evolution of a hyper-diverse lineage of legumes”, which is coordinated by Nogueira.

Bacteria, plant and insect

In the experiment, the researchers monitored the growth of 60 C. latistipula plants from seed germination for 16 months. Half were grown in soil made up mostly of sand (90%) with a thin layer of organic topsoil (10%) and a low concentration of nutrients, especially nitrogen. The other half were grown in soil rich in organic matter and supplemented with potassium nitrate, which releases nitrogen into the soil. Soil acidity was monitored for six months in both cases to ensure that pH was neutral and did not influence root-bacteria interaction.

Before the seeds were sown, they were sterilized with alcohol, sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide to eliminate bacteria that could influence the results, and were then rinsed in distilled water. The soil was sterilized at a high temperature in an autoclave to eliminate microorganisms.

The two soil types were then submitted to different treatments. A solution containing rhizobia (bacteria that fix nitrogen in plant roots) was added to half the pots with nitrogen-poor sandy soil and half of those with nitrogen-rich organic matter. The rest had no bacteria. The rhizobia used in the experiment were isolated directly from root nodules found on C. latistipula in the wild.

In the nitrogen-poor sandy soil without added bacteria, the plants grew very little and had persistently yellowish leaves owing to lack of nitrogen. The plants grown in nitrogen-poor sandy soil with added rhizobia developed satisfactorily.

“In the nitrogen-poor sandy soil with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, the plants were almost twice as tall and three times larger than those grown in nitrogen-rich soil with organic matter and rhizobia. On the other hand, the plants grown without rhizobia in both sandy soil and soil rich in organic matter were shorter and smaller than those grown with rhizobia,” Nogueira said.

The researchers analyzed the flowers using a surface spectrophotometer, which measures how light is reflected. “Based on flower reflectance measured in this manner, we tested for alterations in the color contrasts perceptible to bumblebees in the different soils with and without bacteria,” Souza said.

Significant differences were detected only in the plants grown in nitrogen-poor sandy soil with rhizobia: their anthers displayed a pattern considered particularly attractive to bumblebees, which perceive the color spectrum differently from humans.

“The anthers contain the pollen and can be accessed only by insects capable of making them vibrate, which can’t be done by exotic species such as the European honeybee Apis mellifera, for example,” Souza explained.

Pollen is an essential source of protein for larvae of all bee species, including bumblebees and other native bees. The nutrients in pollen greatly influence larval growth and development.

After making the measurements, the researchers removed the plants from the pots to analyze their roots. The number of root nodules served as an indication of interaction with rhizobia.

Nodules are knob-like structures that form on the roots of leguminous plants as a result of symbiotic infection by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. The mutualistic relationship with bacteria enables plants to manufacture the amino acids they require.

Amino acids and their derivatives perform many functions in plants, contributing to protein synthesis, development, nutrition, and stress responses. In exchange, plants supply the sugar bacteria need for energy and growth, enabling them to proliferate in the nodules.

In the experiment, the plants grown in nitrogen-poor sandy soil and inoculated with rhizobia had the most nodules.

“Now we want to know whether this pollen, which is accessible only to female native bees, is enriched with proteins and amino acids because of the partnership between plants and bacteria. The heightened attractiveness of the flowers may be associated with larger amounts of high-quality resources, influenced by the roots’ high nitrogen fixation rate,” Nogueira said.

More information:
Caroline Souza et al, Nitrogen‐fixing bacteria boost floral attractiveness in a tropical legume species during nutrient limitation, American Journal of Botany (2024). DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.16363

Presence of bacteria in soil makes flowers more attractive to pollinators, study shows (2024, September 26)
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Why the gender gap in physics has been stable for more than a century

Why the gender gap in physics has been stable for more than a century

The gender gap in physics has been stable for more than a century. Here's why
a)Two existing nodes with their ego networks (grayed out) that belong to different groups, indicated by different colors (red and blue). The size of a node indicates its Π, or how attractive it is. b) New nodes arrive and attach to the existing nodes based on their attractiveness Π. For simplicity, each new node only attaches to one existing node. c) Inferring the labels of the new nodes using the mixing values in H. The mixing matrix H used in the figure is only for illustrative purposes and does not represent real data. Credit: Complexity Science Hub

As a physicist and data scientist with a keen interest in gender inequality, Fariba Karimi was amazed to discover that the gender gap in physics has remained almost unchanged since 1900. As the citation and coauthorship networks in physics expand, women still make up a small proportion—and the gaps between male and female are getting larger in terms of absolute numbers.

“With roughly the same number of men and women in the world, we should expect this gap to close in an equal society. But what we see in reality is a persistent gap in physics over time,” says Karimi, from the Complexity Science Hub.

“This gap was puzzling me. Why is this happening and when will this gap close?,” adds Karimi, also a professor at Graz University of Technology. Together with computer scientist Jun Sun, from the Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Karimi decided to investigate why these inequities persist.

In a paper, titled “Emergence of group size disparity in growing networks with adoption,” published in Communications Physics, Karimi and Sun introduce a model that combines two key mechanisms—generalized preferential attachment and asymmetric mixing—to explain the enduring disparities observed in academic networks.

First, a look at real-world dynamics

Initially, the researchers constructed and examined the growing networks of citation and coauthorship in the American Physical Society (APS) publications. The APS dataset includes more than 668,000 papers published in APS journals between 1893 and 2020 and more than 8,5 million citations.

They observed that the ratios of male- to female-led papers, as well as male to female researchers, remain considerably high for decades, reflecting systematic disparities that can be associated to historical barriers of entry and social preferences.

“I was fascinated to see more and more female physicists, and more female-led papers in the field, which is good because we had a really large disparity before,” says Sun. “On the other hand, the gap in terms of absolute numbers was getting larger.”

Who takes in the newcomer?

Karimi and Sun decided to investigate these empirical findings further to uncover the reasons behind these disparities. “In real systems, it’s not as simple as someone coming and connecting to others in a network. Especially in systems like academia, it is also a matter of who takes in the newcomer and adopts him or her into their personal network. In our new model, we wanted to consider this adoption process,” explains Karimi.

“We combined two existing models into one,” adds Karimi. In the novel model, asymmetric mixing is the fundamental mechanism of adoption, as it reflects homophily, or the tendency that people who are alike act alike, that “birds of a feather naturally flock together.” A generalized preferential attachment growth mechanism is also incorporated into the model, where popular or established members attract more connections.

“We were able to replicate real-world dynamics with our model,” explains Karimi. Their model demonstrated, as the real-world data, the persistence of gender imbalances in citation and coauthorship trends.

“Our model shows that, if we continue collaborating and citing fellow physicists this way, this gap will remain as it is,” says Karimi.

“The novelty here is that we do not assume that the increase in women is an endogenous factor, but rather an emergent property of a time-dependent growing system. This explains why the gap persists,” explains Karimi.

What-if scenarios

“Our model shows that this slow arrival of women in physics is also related to biases that emerge when one decides to collaborate with a new person. Having an understanding of this mechanism allows us to discuss what-if scenarios,” adds the physicist.

“Theoretically, we could adjust the probability of adoption so that the number of women arriving will speed up and compensate, and they will have a similar adoption experience as men,” said Karimi. “If we don’t take these interventions soon, this gap will not close very easily because of this adoption process. It’s not just about having more women, but also about how they are integrating into networks.”

Implications for academia and beyond

While the study focuses on academic networks, its implications extend beyond academia. According to Karimi, the same network dynamics could also apply to various sectors, including corporate boards and managerial hiring practices, where biases and preferences can shape long-term growth and group representation.

Understanding the mechanisms behind these disparities could allow policymakers, organizations, and academic institutions to design interventions that promote more inclusive and equitable environments.

Creating opportunities for junior women and senior men to collaborate more is one way to promote collaboration equity, suggests Karimi.

“In the model, closing the gap is easily achieved by adjusting a couple of parameters. However, in reality such interventions are much more challenging, such as by giving female researchers more opportunities for funding, as well as promotion,” says Sun.

More information:
Jun Sun et al, Emergence of group size disparity in growing networks with adoption, Communications Physics (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s42005-024-01799-z

Why the gender gap in physics has been stable for more than a century (2024, September 26)
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