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Morphology study paves the way for spider fang-inspired cutting tools

Morphology study paves the way for spider fang-inspired cutting tools

Spider fangs reveal surprises
Optical microscope image of a spider’s fang superimposed with a silk fiber. Credit: Università di Trento

When we think of spiders, the first thing that comes to mind is their ability to weave intricate and robust webs. But their ability to cut their own silk—the toughest natural material—and strong or tough synthetic fibers such as carbon or Kevlar, is much less known.

A research group coordinated by the University of Trento tried to understand how this is possible. The results of the study have been published in Advanced Science.

Scientists have long believed that the secret to this effective and precise cutting ability was chemistry or, in other words, the spiders‘ ability to produce an enzyme capable of dissolving silk fibers. However, this mechanism alone is not sufficient to explain the speed with which spiders perform this operation, for example in a dangerous situation.

“The study originates from the curiosity to understand how spiders interact with materials that are not their own,” explain Nicola Pugno, Professor of Solids and Structural Mechanics at UniTrento and corresponding author, and Gabriele Greco, researcher at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and at the University of Trento, corresponding and first author of the study

“We have created a spider’s web using synthetic threads of the same size,” i.e. carbon or Kevlar threads. “But we also wanted to understand how spiders manage to cut their silk, a very strong and extremely tough material, in addition to artificial strands.”

  • Spider fangs reveal surprises
    The knurling of a spider’s fang by scanning electron microscope. Credit: Università di Trento
  • Spider fangs reveal surprises
    A Kevlar fiber cut by the spider by scanning electron microscope. Credit: Università di Trento
  • Spider fangs reveal surprises
    Nicola Pugno with a spider. Credit: UniTrento – Ph. Alessio Coser

Once they had established that chemistry cannot be the only explanation, the team focused on the mechanical action, and observed spiders under a scanning electron microscope.

It turned out that the secret to such a precise and effective cut lies in the morphology of the fangs. There is in fact a functionally graded spacing between subsequent serrations, and the spacing increases from the apex of the fang.

The fiber to be cut slides inwards until it gets locked on a serrated edge of a comparable size. With this peculiar contact point geometry, the force required to cut the fibers is minimal and the cutting efficiency is maximized.

The results of this study provide valuable information to understand how spiders are able to cut high toughness and strength materials, with interesting prospects for application in other areas. “The new theory—concludes Pugno—could help develop sharper and more performing tools, inspired by spider fangs. For example, for cutting wood, metal, stone, food or hair.”

More information:
Gabriele Greco et al, Functionally‐Graded Serrated Fangs Allow Spiders to Mechanically Cut Silk, Carbon and Kevlar Fibers, Advanced Science (2024). DOI: 10.1002/advs.202406079

Morphology study paves the way for spider fang-inspired cutting tools (2024, September 25)
retrieved 25 September 2024

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Current economic system fails examination by sustainability experts

Current economic system fails examination by sustainability experts

Current economic system fails examination by sustainability experts
The supply-demand diagram. Note: We have exchanged the Q and P axes of the NCE version to conform to the convention of mathematics and science that the independent variable P is on the x-axis and the dependent variables Q d and Q s are on the y-axis. Credit: Global Sustainability (2024). DOI: 10.1017/sus.2024.36

Our current economic system is based on poor science and should not be used to guide government decision-making when faced with threats to existence like climate change. That’s the conclusion of a new paper led by UNSW Sydney sustainability scientists that finds our economic system is driving environmental damage and social inequality and needs substantial reform.

The research, published recently in the journal Global Sustainability, critically reviews, from a natural science perspective, the basis of neoclassical economics—the theory that underpins the neoliberal ideology of free markets, deregulation, and minimal government expenditure and taxes. Many countries, including Australia, follow neoliberalism in policymaking.

The research found that hypotheses underlying neoclassical economics—including supply-demand determined pricing, and claims like Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a meaningful measure of well-being and markets can solve major environmental and social problems—are based on invalid assumptions and lack empirical support.

“Neoclassical economics is fundamentally flawed, bad science, and irrational in the common meaning of the word,” said Honorary Associate Professor Mark Diesendorf, lead author of the study from the School of Humanities & Languages at UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture.

“It is doing more harm than good by supporting politically powerful corporations that are driving environmental destruction and social inequality, and therefore must no longer be used for government socioeconomic policies.”

Misconceptions of neoclassical economics

For the study, the research team, consisting of sustainability experts from across scientific disciplines, refuted 10 key hypotheses and four claims of neoclassic economics on the grounds they are either contradicted by observation, lead to different results from those reported by neoclassical economics, are ill-defined, or are inconsistent. The review found each hypothesis or claim failed to satisfy one or more of these conditions—basic requirements of good scientific practice.

Co-author Thomas Wiedmann, Professor of Sustainability Research in the School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, said that neoliberal ideologies and many neoclassical economists strongly support the notion that endless growth on a finite planet is feasible and desirable.

“[However] science shows that growth in GDP is closely correlated with growth in the consumption of materials and energy,” said Prof. Wiedmann. “This leads to major environmental impacts that are threatening our life support system, the biosphere.

“The assumptions that the natural environment is an infinite resource and an infinite reservoir for waste and that it can be separated from the economic system are refuted by the findings of Earth System Science, which show that six out of nine planetary boundaries have been exceeded.”

Another claim the researchers contest is that wealth trickles down from the rich to the poor. While not all neoclassical economists accept this claim, the review cites a major study finding that tax cuts for the rich of OECD countries are correlated with higher income inequality and have no effect on economic growth and unemployment in the short and medium term.

Other hypotheses and claims challenged scientifically in the review include:

  • Existential environmental threats can be managed by pricing alone when the market has failed to curb global heating and other major environmental threats.
  • Humans can be credibly modeled as entirely self-interested, economically “rational,” competing individuals and able to process all available information on prices, despite scientific findings in anthropology and sociology showing that cooperation is fundamental and coexists with competition in all societies.
  • Government budget deficits are generally inflationary, even though many countries, such as Japan, have historically had significant budget deficits without inflation.
  • The economic efficiency ideal of neoclassical economics, Pareto efficiency, is useful, even though it’s unattainable in practice and fosters socially unjust policies.

“While a common defense of neoclassical economics is that it has advanced and no longer depends on all the assumptions critiqued, it still depends on at least three hypotheses that are not generally true,” A/Prof. Diesendorf said.

“These are the hypotheses that individual decisions can be separated from social influences, that economic systems are generally in or near equilibrium, and that neoclassical economics theory doesn’t need to explain or predict economic phenomena such as the Global Financial Crisis.”

A new economic approach is needed

The researchers said neoclassical economics can be replaced with an improved mixed economic system. However, this will require pressure on governments from community organizations and academics.

“Leaving it to the market alone is another way of saying leaving it to the 1%, that is, the big corporations and super-rich that control the market,” said A/Prof. Diesendorf. “It’s too late for the market to solve a major problem like climate change and the market cannot reduce the increasing gap between the rich and poor. We need stronger government intervention guided by genuine community consultation.”

The researchers recommend a new economic system that prioritizes ecological sustainability and social justice over economic efficiency. This would move beyond striving for increased GDP to include well-being indexes such as educational attainment and public health measures.

“If we look at Scandinavian countries, their quality-of-life measures are the highest because their governments don’t leave everything to the market,” said A/Prof. Diesendorf. “They simply spend more to provide universal basic services to their people.

“To achieve ecological sustainability, it is necessary, but not sufficient, to limit the scale of human activity in a considered way and, with it, policies to support managed de-growth. At a fundamental level, we must reduce our physical consumption of energy, land and other natural resources, which could be done while still improving the quality of life for all.”

More information:
Mark Diesendorf et al, Sustainability scientists’ critique of neoclassical economics, Global Sustainability (2024). DOI: 10.1017/sus.2024.36

Current economic system fails examination by sustainability experts (2024, September 25)
retrieved 25 September 2024

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Workers seek training, guidance on integrating AI in their work, shows survey

Workers seek training, guidance on integrating AI in their work, shows survey

ai at work
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain

Fresh survey results suggest managers and employees are struggling to understand how and when to integrate generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology into their work. They seek training and a better understanding of organizational expectations and strategy to help them use AI in their jobs.

Nearly all employees (96%) who responded to a new Wiley survey say are experiencing some degree of stress about change at work, with 40% saying they are struggling to understand how to integrate AI into their work, and nearly twice that number (75%) saying they lack confidence in how to utilize AI.

That’s according to the latest Wiley Workplace Intelligence report, “The Human Side of Artificial Intelligence: 3 Tips for Navigating the AI Era.”

And their bosses appear to agree, as only around a third (34%) of the people managers surveyed say they feel equipped to support AI integration.

Employees say the best ways for them to feel more comfortable integrating AI would be if their company provided training on ways to accomplish it (61%), a clear understanding of organizational strategy (54%), and clear expectations around the usage of AI (48%).

“At a time of such upheaval, it’s important for companies to provide employees—particularly managers—with information to help them understand what is happening and how best to deal with it,” said Wiley researcher Dr. Tracey Carney, who headed the study. “Effective change management includes both implementing the tools themselves and helping employees cope with the big transitions they are facing.”

While most respondents (80%) feel their manager is supportive of their efforts to integrate AI into their workflows, just 60% think their manager is knowledgeable about how to effectively accomplish this integration. As organizations push forward with AI initiatives, bridging the gap between support and proficiency can help ensure a successful transition.

Three tips to navigate AI transition

Wiley’s report provides three tips for navigating technological change and effectively managing the transition to AI:

  • Provide employees with clear use cases— Organizations should strive to clearly define how AI can be applied within their specific teams and roles, and what specific tools can be leveraged.
  • Enhance transparency and communication—It is crucial for organizations to maintain transparent communication about the AI implementation process.
  • Invest in manager training—Empowering managers with the skills and knowledge needed to guide their teams through AI adoption will bolster their ability to address concerns and can foster a more supportive and effective transition for employees.

The data in this report are based on surveys completed by 2,005 individuals in North America, from individual contributors to executive leaders.

More information:
The Human Side of Artificial Intelligence: 3 Tips for Navigating the AI Era. … ficial-intelligence/

Workers seek training, guidance on integrating AI in their work, shows survey (2024, September 25)
retrieved 25 September 2024

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Researchers name beetle after National Geographic photographer

Researchers name beetle after National Geographic photographer

Ratcliffe names beetle species for Husker alumnus Sartore
An illustration of Sartore’s lesser rhino beetle by Kevin Lievano, graduate student at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Credit: Kevin Lievano | University of Nebraska–Lincoln

A new beetle species has been named to honor a fellow Husker, bridging the worlds of academia and wildlife conservation.

Brett Ratcliffe, emeritus professor of entomology at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, named the recently discovered species Bothynus sartorei after Joel Sartore, a renowned National Geographic photographer and founder of the Photo Ark. The tribute recognizes Sartore’s dedication to wildlife conservation.

“I’ve always been impressed by his passion for what’s he’s trying to do to conserve wildlife,” Ratcliffe said. “He’s an excellent speaker; he galvanizes his audiences. He’s doing a great job for society and for nature and for the planet, and this is one little way I can recognize him.”

Ratcliffe and co-author Ronald Cave, professor of entomology at the University of Florida, published their findings in the Journal of Insect Biodiversity.

Sartore’s lesser rhino beetle is dark reddish brown and measures 14.7 millimeters long and 7 millimeters wide (or slightly larger than half an inch by a quarter of an inch).

Ratcliffe and Cave are working on a project documenting Bolivian beetles. It will ultimately include 200 to 250 species of rhino beetles, including Sartore’s lesser rhino beetle. This specimen came from a collector in Canada and is the only known specimen of the species. As they continue field work in Bolivia and examination of collections for the project, they hope to find more, Ratcliffe said.

“Science is like that sometimes,” Ratcliffe said. “You find one and it turns out if you look closer, maybe you find more.”

More information:
BRETT C. RATCLIFFE et al, Description of a new species of Bothynus Hope (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Pentodontini) from Bolivia with a key to the Bolivian species of Bothynus, Journal of Insect Biodiversity (2024). DOI: 10.12976/jib/2024.54.2.2

Researchers name beetle after National Geographic photographer (2024, September 25)
retrieved 25 September 2024

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Afar mantle plume study offers new insight into deep Earth processes

Afar mantle plume study offers new insight into deep Earth processes

Research offers new insight into deep Earth processes
A schematic diagram of mantle He concentration and 3He/4He (Ra) illustrating how to generate the Afar plume 3He/4He signature. Credit: Communications Earth & Environment (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s43247-024-01675-2.

Sophisticated analysis of tiny bubbles of ancient gas trapped in volcanic rocks, combined with new geophysical modeling, has cast new light on long-held assumptions about the deep Earth.

An international team of scientists led by researchers from SUERC and the University of Glasgow’s School of Geographical & Earth Sciences, have uncovered surprising results in a new study of volcanic lavas that erupted in the Red Sea from the Afar mantle plume.

Mantle plumes are columns of unusually hot rock which rise to the Earth’s surface from the boundary between the core and mantle, 2,900 km below ground. They fuel volcanic activity wherever they force their way to the surface, often with enough energy to split the continents apart.

The current scientific consensus is that plumes transport “primordial” material created when the Earth formed from the deep mantle to the surface. If that is the case, volcanic rocks formed when that magma erupted should contain significant traces of primordial material.

However, the researchers found that volcanic rocks dredged from the floor of the Red Sea instead contained very low concentrations of helium, a primordial gas, than is required by the prevailing models of the Earth.

In a new paper published in the journal Communications Earth & Environment, the team conclude that the Afar plume is in fact dominated by material that has previously been at the Earth’s surface.

Their findings are based on mass spectrometry analysis of samples of basaltic glass collected from Red Sea and the Gulf of Tadjoura. The analysis suggests that mantle plumes are complex mixtures of primitive deep mantle and rocks from the ocean floor that have been recycled back into Earth’s interior by a process known as “subduction.”

Basaltic glass forms when lava is erupted into seawater and cools rapidly, trapping the initially dissolved gases as bubbles. The team at the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Center (SUERC) measured the two helium isotopes (helium-3 and helium-4) in gases trapped in the Red Sea glasses by high sensitivity mass spectroscopy.

The helium isotopes record the content of primordial gas in the basalts. The study showed that the Afar plume appears to have 10 times less primordial helium than it should if it originated in the deep mantle.

Ugur Balci, a postgraduate research student at SUERC and the paper’s lead author, said, “The Afar mantle plume is situated beneath thin crust at the junction of three tectonic plates, making it a remarkable natural laboratory to study deep Earth.

“The surprising result of our work is that the plume is largely made up of rock that was at the Earth’s surface no more than 100 million years ago, which challenges the prevailing understanding of how mantle plumes are formed.”

The team also analyzed seismic tomography models to identify the most likely subducted ocean floor inside the Earth’s interior which could be the source of the Afar plume’s geochemical fingerprint. Seismic tomography is a technique similar to MRI that uses earthquakes to enable scientists to “look inside” the interior of the Earth.

Using this information the team could get an idea of the location, orientation and surface source of the subducted sea floor and estimate the speed at which it sank to meet the Afar plume.

Dr. Antoniette Greta Grima, from the University of Glasgow’s School of Geographical & Earth Sciences, is a co-author of the paper. She said, “The isotopic fingerprints from the rocks give us one part of the picture of the processes which formed the Afar mantle plume, and seismic tomography models provide us with another important lens through which we can understand the interaction of the mantle and the subducted ancient sea floor, which we cannot access directly.

“The geochemical data suggests the upward moving plume is interacting with younger subducted sea floor material at 660 km below the surface instead of the very ancient subducted material at the boundary between the core and the mantle as previously assumed.

“Using a combination of seismic tomography models, slab sinking calculations and plate reconstruction models, we have identified the subducted sea floor and linked it to a present-day active subduction zone underneath the Zagros mountains.”

Professor Fin Stuart from the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Center (SUERC) led the project. He said, “Mantle plumes were first recognized in the early 1960s. They are fundamental to the planet; they drive plate tectonics, cool the Earth, bring elements that are essential to life to the surface and are our best window into the deep Earth.

“This study questions the prevailing paradigm that all plumes transport deep Earth to the surface. The key to unlocking this new insight was linking SUERC’s expertise in isotope geochemistry with geodynamic modeling capability in the School of Geographical & Earth Sciences.”

Researchers from the European Institute for Marine Studies (IUEM) in France and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia also contributed to the paper.

More information:
Ugur Balci et al, The origin and implications of primordial helium depletion in the Afar mantle plume, Communications Earth & Environment (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s43247-024-01675-2.

Afar mantle plume study offers new insight into deep Earth processes (2024, September 25)
retrieved 25 September 2024

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