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Marine cloud brightening models show unexpected consequences of geoengineering

Marine cloud brightening models show unexpected consequences of geoengineering

Marine cloud brightening models show unexpected consequences of geoengineering
Comparison of observed and modeled low cloud fraction and the modeled temperature response from two MCB schemes. a, Mean 1984–2009 observed low cloud fraction from March to November from the ISCCP. The magenta (mid-latitude) and green (subtropical) contours show the average cloud brightening regions from March to November. b, Ensemble mean low cloud fraction from March to November from the CESM2 LENS2 ensemble mean. c, d, Annual change in near-surface temperature and mean wind vectors (control) for mid-latitude (c) and subtropical (d) MCB under 2010 conditions. Credit: Nature Climate Change (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41558-024-02046-7

A combined team of Earth scientists and climate specialists at the University of California San Diego and the National Center for Atmospheric Research has found via modeling that geoengineering projects such as marine cloud brightening can have unexpected and sometimes harmful consequences.

In their study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, the group designed models to predict what might happen if large-scale marine cloud brightening projects were undertaken in two major regions in the western United States.

Prior research has shown that unless greenhouse gas emissions are reduced and a way is found to reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses already in the atmosphere, dramatic climate changes will result. In recent years, scientists have found it unlikely that such goals will be met and have been looking for other solutions.

One proposed solution is geoengineering to reduce the amount of heat that makes its way into the atmosphere. One such approach is called marine cloud brightening (MCB), which involves injecting massive amounts of sea salt into the lower atmosphere to serve as tiny mirrors, bouncing heat and light from the sun back out into space.

For this new study, the researchers investigated how this might work for one part of the world and to model the potential impacts.

The work involved configuring established climate models to show what would happen if artificial stratocumulus clouds were created under two different scenarios, both over the North Pacific: one over the temperate latitudes and the other over sub-tropical waters. Under both scenarios, the artificial clouds were generated and maintained for nine months every year for 30 years.

The researchers found that the artificial clouds would reduce temperatures in the western U.S., primarily California—reducing risk of dangerously high temperatures by as much as 55%. But they also found the same clouds would reduce rainfall amounts, both in the U.S. and other parts of the world.

The research team also found that if the MCB project continued to the year 2050, its benefits would taper off and heat waves in Europe would become much more common, showing that engineering projects can lead to unforeseen consequences in other parts of the world.

More information:
Jessica S. Wan et al, Diminished efficacy of regional marine cloud brightening in a warmer world, Nature Climate Change (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41558-024-02046-7

© 2024 Science X Network

Marine cloud brightening models show unexpected consequences of geoengineering (2024, June 25)
retrieved 25 June 2024

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Engineers integrate wafer-scale 2D materials and metal electrodes with van der Waals contacts

Engineers integrate wafer-scale 2D materials and metal electrodes with van der Waals contacts

Engineers integrate wafer-scale 2D materials and metal electrodes with van der Waals contacts
Illustration of electrode transfer and the all-stacking method. a Schematic diagram of the metal electrode peeling off process from fluorophlogopite mica (F-mica) with the van der Waals (vdW) interface. b Illustration of the all-stacking method. c Process of four square-inch electrode transfer, AL and SL represent adhesion layer and supporting layer respectively. d Optical images of the Au electrodes deposited on the F-mica (left) and transferred intact to the silicon substrate (right). e Cross-sectional STEM image of the stacked Au/ReS2 interface. f The Au and Re elemental distribution at the cross-section of the stacked Au/ReS2 interface. Credit: Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-49058-7

A research team has achieved progress in studying van der Waals (vdW) contacts for two-dimensional (2D) electrical devices. The team developed an innovative all-stacking technique for fabricating 2D electrical devices, optimizing the interface contact between 2D materials and metal electrodes. The study was published in Nature Communications.

In conventional fabrication processes for 2D electrical devices, the deposition of metal electrodes is a critical step. High-energy metal atoms deposited on the surface of 2D materials can easily damage their lattices, ultimately degrading the device’s electrical performance. Therefore, achieving reliable electrical contact between 2D materials and metal electrodes is crucial for improving the performance of 2D electrical devices.

Recent research has shown that for 2D electronic devices, realizing the vdW contact holds promise for solving the above problems. The vdW contact refers to the interaction between 2D materials and metal electrodes through vdW forces. This method avoids introducing numerous defects and can achieve good electrical contact, offering better operability and potential for large-scale application.

To achieve reliable 2D vdW contacts, the team developed an all-stacking technique. This technique allowed for the direct stacking of metal electrodes onto 2D materials during the fabrication of 2D electrical devices, avoiding steps like metal deposition and thus protecting the 2D materials from damage while achieving excellent electrical performance.

Specifically, 2D electrical devices fabricated using this technique had sharp metal-semiconductor contact interfaces, with smooth and clear vdW gaps at the interface and no metal atom doping on the 2D material side. This indicated that high-quality vdW contact had been formed between the metal electrodes and the 2D semiconductor.

Due to the improved contact interface, 2D semiconductor transistors fabricated using this technique exhibited more than 95% reduction in off-state current and a 50% decrease in subthreshold swing compared to those fabricated using metal deposition processes. They also possessed a higher on-off ratio, making them more advantageous for low-power integrated circuits.

To demonstrate the potential of the all-stacking technique for wafer-scale manufacturing, the team fabricated an array of field-effect transistors based on monolayer molybdenum disulfide using this technique. The device yield was as high as 98.4%, exhibiting excellent consistency and stability.

The average on-off ratio of the transistor array was 6.8×106, with 91.3% of the devices having an on-off ratio greater than 106. The excellent performance and high consistency of the transistor array demonstrated the advantages of the all-stacking technique in achieving reliable contact for 2D electronic devices.

The all-stacking technique developed in this study optimizes the interfacial contact between 2D materials and metal electrodes, providing an efficient, high-quality, and universal approach for the preparation of 2D electronic devices. The study is expected to provide a new technical path for the industrial-level manufacturing of future 2D electronic devices.

The research team was led by Prof. Zeng Hualing, Prof. Qiao Zhenhua, and Prof. Shao Xiang from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

More information:
Xiaodong Zhang et al, Reliable wafer-scale integration of two-dimensional materials and metal electrodes with van der Waals contacts, Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-49058-7

Engineers integrate wafer-scale 2D materials and metal electrodes with van der Waals contacts (2024, June 19)
retrieved 25 June 2024

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part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.

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The fascinating sex lives of insects

The fascinating sex lives of insects

praying mantis
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

Some insects have detachable penises, others produce sperm that is 20 times the size of their own body. Others have evolved with special equipment to help them tear rivals off potential mates. Insects can be creepy, promiscuous or murderous—but they are rarely dull.

The stag beetle male—Europe’s largest beetle has huge jaws known as antlers designed for prising mating pairs apart. This behavior is seen in numerous beetles, with horns of various shapes horns that have evolved to lever males off females. The Japanese rhinocerous beetle has a horn resembling a fork. Antlers are also used in battle to wrestle other males over access to females.

In many of these species, smaller males don’t stand a chance of winning a fight, so instead have evolved sneaky mating tactics. They wait for males to fight, then slink in and copulate with the female while the males are distracted. Small male dung beetles slip past large males that guard entrances to tunnels containing females, and dig secret passages to find the underground females while the larger males’ backs are turned.

Sperm competition

In addition to the physical contests between males, competition to fertilize an egg also happens between sperm. In the animal kingdom, females are rarely faithful to their mates, so there is probably sperm from a number of males inside a female reproductive tract. Males have evolved several ways to counter this, such as producing large sperm. Fruit fly sperm, is almost 6cm long when uncoiled, around 20 times the size of the fly.

But, perhaps the most extraordinary method to win the sperm competition is seen in the odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) who have evolved ornate penises. These come complete with hooks and whips, to dislodge the sperm of rival males and pack the male’s own sperm into the far corners of the female reproductive tract, away from other male penises.

And it’s not just the males that have elaborate penises. The female cave insects of Brazil compete for access to males. The insects have sex-reversed genitalia, where the males have an opening and the females have a spiky erectile organ. The female uses her “penis” to suck sperm out of the male, and she can even decide which of two chambers in her body to store the sperm in. It is thought that this behavior evolved as an adaptation to a limited food supply as the females gain energy from feasting on the seminal fluid acquired during copulation, which can last up to 70 hours.

Butterflies only live for a few weeks, so if males are going to father any offspring, they can’t hang around. Except, some do. Many butterflies are sexually mature as soon as they emerge from their chrysalis. So, in some species the males emerge a few days before the females, then sit and wait, copulating with the females as soon as possible.

More disturbing behavior is seen in the bed bug. Males simply pierce a female’s abdomen then inject sperm through the wound into her abdominal cavity. As insects have an open circulatory system without arteries and veins, the sperm can easily migrate from the abdominal cavity to the ovaries for fertilization.

Sexual cannibalism

Probably the most famous of the insect sexual behavior is that of the praying mantis, where the female bites the head off her partner during or after sex, gaining nutrients for herself and her offspring. This behavior increases the number of eggs that males fertilize. Recently, scientists found that males also attack females. They don’t eat the females although they sometimes seriously injure them. Males that won fights with females were more likely to go on to mate rather than just get eaten.

Chastity belts

Many male insects only get to mate once, even when they aren’t eaten by their partners. For example, male bees ejaculate with such explosive force that it is loud enough for humans to hear. This ensures the sperm is passed to the female, but it results in paralysis of the male, which kills him. So, males need to make the most of their exploits.

One way of preventing other males from mating with a female is to produce a copulatory plug—something that will prevent a different male from inserting his sperm inside a female to fertilize her eggs. The European dwarf spider produces a plug by secreting a liquid during copulation that hardens over time. Researchers have found that longer copulations result in larger plugs which are more difficult for other males to remove.

In order to ensure that nobody else mates with his female once he is dead, the male orb-web spider has evolved an extreme copulatory plug. He has a detachable penis that remains inside the female once copulation is over. Although it is common for the tip of a spider’s penis to break off inside a female, preventing other males from entering, the orb-web spider’s detachable penis has an additional function as it continues to transfer sperm on its own—for over 20 minutes—increasing mating success.

So you see, insects are, in fact, amazing.

Provided by
The Conversation

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.The Conversation

The fascinating sex lives of insects (2024, June 25)
retrieved 25 June 2024

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Innovative 3D printing method streamlines multi-materials manufacturing

Innovative 3D printing method streamlines multi-materials manufacturing

No assembly required
University of Missouri researchers have built a machine that combines elements of traditional 3D printing with laser technology to develop multi-material, multi-functional products. Credit: Sam O’Keefe

University of Missouri researchers have developed a way to create complex devices with multiple materials—including plastics, metals and semiconductors—all with a single machine.

The research, which was recently published in Nature Communications, outlines a novel 3D printing and laser process to manufacture multi-material, multi-layered sensors, circuit boards and even textiles with electronic components.

It’s called the Freeform Multi-material Assembly Process, and it promises to revolutionize the fabrication of new products.

By printing sensors embedded within a structure, the machine can make things that can sense environmental conditions, including temperature and pressure. For other researchers, that could mean having a natural-looking object such as a rock or seashell that could measure the movement of ocean water. For the public, applications could include wearable devices that monitor blood pressure and other vital signs.

“This is the first time this type of process has been used, and it’s unlocking new possibilities,” said Bujingda Zheng, a doctoral student in mechanical engineering at Mizzou and the lead author of the study. “I’m excited about the design. I’ve always wanted to do something that no one has ever done before, and I’m getting to do that here at Mizzou.”

The FMAP fabrication process of a wireless LED. Credit: Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-48919-5

One of the main benefits is that innovators can focus on designing new products without worrying about how to prototype them.

“This opens the possibility for entirely new markets,” said Jian “Javen” Lin, an associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Mizzou. “It will have broad impacts on wearable sensors, customizable robots, medical devices and more.”

Revolutionary techniques

Currently, manufacturing a multi-layered structure—such as a printed circuit board—can be a cumbersome process that involves multiple steps and materials. These processes are costly, time consuming, and can generate waste that harms the environment.

Not only is the new technique better for the planet, it’s inspired by systems found in nature.

“Everything in nature consists of structural and functional materials,” Zheng said. “For example, electrical eels have bones and muscles that enable them to move. They also have specialized cells that can discharge up to 500 volts to deter predators. These biological observations have inspired researchers to develop new methods for fabricating 3D structures with multi-functional applications, but other emerging methods have limitations.”

  • No assembly required: Innovative 3D printing method streamlines multi-materials manufacturing
    Doctoral student Bujingda Zheng uses a 3D printing and laser process to manufacture multi-material, multi-layered sensors, circuit boards and textiles with electronic components. Credit: Sam O’Keefe
  • No assembly required: Innovative 3D printing method streamlines multi-materials manufacturing
    An example of electrodes printed inside of a plastic material. Credit: Sam O’Keefe

Specifically, other techniques fall short when it comes to how versatile the material can be and how precisely smaller components can be placed inside larger 3D structures.

The Mizzou team’s method uses special techniques to solve these problems. Team members built a machine that has three different nozzles: one adds ink-like material, another uses a laser to carve shapes and materials, and the third adds additional functional materials to enhance the product’s capabilities. It starts by making a basic structure with regular 3D printing filament, such as polycarbonate, a type of transparent thermoplastic. Then, it switches to laser to convert some parts into a special material called laser-induced graphene, putting it exactly where it’s needed. Finally, more materials are added to enhance the functional abilities of the final product.

“The I-Corps program is helping us identify market interests and needs,” Lin said. “Currently, we believe it would be of interest to other researchers, but we believe it will ultimately benefit businesses. It will shorten fabrication time for device prototyping by allowing companies to make prototypes in house. This technology, available only at Mizzou, shows great promise for transforming the way products are fabricated and manufactured.”

More information:
Bujingda Zheng et al, Programmed multimaterial assembly by synergized 3D printing and freeform laser induction, Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-48919-5

No assembly required: Innovative 3D printing method streamlines multi-materials manufacturing (2024, June 24)
retrieved 25 June 2024

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part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.

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