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How a butterfly invasion minimizes genetic diversity

How a butterfly invasion minimizes genetic diversity

How a butterfly invasion minimizes genetic diversity
The southern small white is spreading throughout Europe. It is only a matter of time before it also flies across the English Channel (Image: Martin Wiemers). Credit: Martin Wiemers

Until a few years ago, the butterfly known as the southern small white could barely be found north of the Alps. That was before a Europe-wide invasion that brought a huge increase in the insect’s distribution—at the same time as a rapid decrease in genetic diversity within the species.

It took a while for zoologist Daniel Berner to notice that a butterfly species that wasn’t local to his area had become established in his garden. Then, suddenly, he saw it everywhere: Pieris mannii—also known as the southern small white—with its wingspan of around four centimeters and white wings adorned with large black spots.

Indeed, until a few years ago, only a few small, localized populations of this principally Mediterranean species existed in Switzerland, in Valais and Ticino. But at some point in around 2005, the butterfly began its journey north and east—and it has now been identified at the North Sea and in the Czech Republic.

Comparison with museum specimens

With its expansion, however, came a significant loss of genetic diversity.

“We found that, as it invaded, the southern small white standardized local populations of its own species,” says Dr. Daniel Berner of the University of Basel. Together with researchers from the University of Greifswald and the Senckenberg German Entomological Institute, Berner has published a study in Current Biology investigating how the butterfly’s expansion has impacted diversity within its own species.

The researchers compared the genetic make-up of freshly caught butterflies with that of significantly older museum specimens—in other words, specimens that had been caught and preserved before the invasion began. In doing so, they demonstrated that the genetic composition of the researched local populations has changed considerably. Indeed, a large part of the original genetic make-up has now been replaced with that of the expanding population.

“If we hadn’t made the comparison with the museum specimens, we wouldn’t have spotted this genetic change,” says Berner.

For their analyses, the researchers were able to sequence butterflies from the collection of the Natural History Museum of Bern and therefore to characterize the insects genetically. They were very lucky that, over the decades, the lepidopterist (butterfly researcher) Heiner Ziegler had amassed an extensive collection of specimens of none other than the southern small white—and that they could use this collection in their research.

How a butterfly invasion minimizes genetic diversity
Thanks to the museum specimens, the researchers were able to compare the genetics of the southern small white over time (Image: Daniel Berner/University of Basel). Credit: Daniel Berner

Favorite plants in gardens

Urbanization is helping the butterfly to spread rapidly. In fact, the southern small white doesn’t like to fly long distances. Instead, it spends its lifespan of approximately three weeks fluttering around within a modest radius of its birthplace, in which the caterpillars’ food plants also thrive—namely arugula and, above all, candytuft.

The latter is particularly widespread in gardens within settled areas. Accordingly, the increasing expansion of the built environment has given the southern small white the opportunity to spread far and wide.

Moreover, there are five or six generations of southern small white per year, rather than just one.

“This species can therefore quickly build up large populations in a newly settled area, favoring the settlement of new land over large distances,” Berner explains. It is very likely, he says, that the butterfly will expand further—provided that its food plants are available. “In any case, butterfly researchers in England are just waiting to spot the first one.”

Expansion and genetic mixing—loss or gain?

From a conservation perspective, the expansion of the southern small white is a double-edged sword. As the species uses largely human-designed habitats in the newly settled area, it is not expected to compete with indigenous butterflies. Moreover, expansion means that this butterfly species is now much more numerous overall, which tends to reduce its risk of dying out.

However, these positives are offset by the disappearance of genetic diversity that had built up over the course of millennia: “Although it’s the fate of living things that some local groups can die out, what’s special about the situation facing the southern small white is that the loss of original population diversity accompanies expansion of the built environment—and is therefore caused by humans,” Berner says.

As yet, the researchers don’t know why the southern small white in particular has embarked on major expansion or where exactly this process began.

“Presumably, nothing fundamentally new has happened on the side of the butterfly. So far, we haven’t found signs of major genetic change in the expansive population, and climate change doesn’t appear to play a key role in the situation,” says Berner.

The researchers want to continue looking into these questions, but they already have their suspicions as to the starting point: the invasion may have begun in eastern France.

More information:
Lucas A. Blattner et al, Urbanization-associated range expansion genetically homogenizes a butterfly species, Current Biology (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.09.006

How a butterfly invasion minimizes genetic diversity (2024, September 24)
retrieved 24 September 2024

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Selective metal films deposition technique enables fabrication of soft electronics with various form factors

Selective metal films deposition technique enables fabrication of soft electronics with various form factors

SNU researchers develop 'Selective Metal Films Deposition Technique' enabling fabrication of soft electronics with various form factors
Metal thin film patterns on (left to right) 2D planar, 3D curvilinear, and stretchable substrates. Credit: Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-51585-2

A research team has developed a printing-based selective metal film deposition technique that enables the facile and fast fabrication of high-performance soft electronic devices and circuits in various forms.

The results of this research were published in Nature Communications. The team was led by Prof. Yongtaek Hong from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, in collaboration with Prof. Byeongmoon Lee from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST).

Metal thin films formed using vapor deposition have excellent electrical conductivity and surface quality, making them key components of electronic devices and circuits. However, patterning these metal thin films into desired shapes typically requires the use of rigid masks such as shadow masks or photomasks, which makes it difficult to modify patterns and limits the ability to carry out processes on surfaces of various forms.

To address this issue, the research team developed a printing-based selective metal thin film deposition technique. This method utilizes polymer patterns to block the condensation of metal vapor, allowing the vapor deposition and patterning processes to be performed at the same time without the need for a separate mask. This approach enables the production of patterns with line widths ranging from micrometers (μm) to millimeters (mm) on a large scale.

SNU researchers develop 'Selective Metal Films Deposition Technique' enabling fabrication of soft electronics with various form factors
(a) Demonstration of wireless power transfer (b) Demonstration of stretchable light-emitting diode. Credit: Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-51585-2

According to the research team, the polymer pattern’s excellent stretchability and mechanical durability allow metal thin film patterns to be easily formed on multi-curvature or elastic substrates, which were previously impossible with conventional methods. During the research, they demonstrated next-generation free-form electronic devices and circuits, including wireless power transmission, curvilinear OLEDs (Organic Light Emitting Diodes), and stretchable LED arrays, by using metal thin films in various shapes.

Prof. Yongtaek Hong said, “This study not only developed a technology for easily custom-fabricating high-performance metal thin film patterns based on vapor deposition, but also set the stage for maximizing the utility of metal thin films in the field of soft electronics by applying this technology to curved and stretchable systems.

“In the future, this selective metal thin film deposition technology is expected to be directly applied to forming porous transparent structures in the top common electrode of OLED panels, a key element for under-display camera and under-display face recognition sensor technologies that require various form factors.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Sujin Jeong and Dr. Hyungsoo Yoon, co-first authors of the paper, are currently working at Samsung Display Research Center, focusing on the development of next-generation future displays, including stretchable displays.

More information:
Sujin Jeong et al, Printable, stretchable metal-vapor-desorption layers for high-fidelity patterning in soft, freeform electronics, Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-51585-2

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Seoul National University College of Engineering

Selective metal films deposition technique enables fabrication of soft electronics with various form factors (2024, September 24)
retrieved 24 September 2024

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Discovering new energy levels in atomic hyperfine structures

Discovering new energy levels in atomic hyperfine structures

Discovering new details in atomic hyperfine structures
Intensity profiles in the Pa FT spectra at around 6 130 cm−1 (excerpt from the 400 m long paper chart where in the original 10 cm represent 2 cm−1. The superimposed profiles represent recordings with two different excitation conditions

Since the late 1960s, the Laboratoire Aimé Cotton (LAC) in Orsay, France, has made significant progress in the classification of complex atomic spectra. These advances have been driven both by the development of Fourier transform spectroscopy, and through novel theoretical interpretations of atomic spectra.

In research published in The European Physical Journal D, Sophie Kröger from the Berlin University of Technology and Economics carried out detailed analysis of protactinium’s infrared (IR) spectrum, revealing 20 new energy levels that were previously undetectable with earlier methods employed by the LAC. The study showcases important progress in the precision of atomic spectrum measurements, which could soon offer deeper insights into atomic structures and interactions.

IR spectra reveal the wavelengths absorbed by atomic samples as they interact with infrared light. These spectra can provide detailed information about hyperfine structures: tiny variations in atomic energy levels that result from complex electromagnetic interactions between atomic nuclei and surrounding clouds of orbiting electrons, which manifest as distinct peaks in the IR spectra.

In her study, Kröger focused on the IR spectrum of protactinium, which exhibits an especially intricate hyperfine splitting. To enhance the accuracy of previous LAC measurements, she employed an advanced mathematical approach to Fourier transform spectroscopy. This technique converts variations in the IR signal into a spectrum showing how signal varies at different frequencies, allowing for high-precision analysis of the spectral lines.

By comparing the experimental data of hyperfine peak wavelengths with theoretical models, Kröger was able to identify 20 new energy levels in protactinium’s hyperfine structure. By expanding on this approach, she now hopes to uncover even more subtle energy levels in future studies. Overall, the research highlights the significant strides made in atomic spectroscopy and could pave the way for fascinating new discoveries in atomic and molecular physics.

More information:
Sophie Kröger, High precision in a Fourier-transform spectrum of protactinium: extensive weighted least-squares fits of peak wavenumbers for analysis of fine and hyperfine structure, The European Physical Journal D (2024). DOI: 10.1140/epjd/s10053-024-00895-7

Discovering new energy levels in atomic hyperfine structures (2024, September 24)
retrieved 24 September 2024

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Examining patents to find impact of AI on specific jobs

Examining patents to find impact of AI on specific jobs

The impact of AI on specific jobs
20 most- and least-impacted occupations ranked by the AII (Artificial Intelligence Impact) measure. Credit: Septiandri et al

Artificial intelligence (AI) may reshape many industries, but the impact of the nascent technology on various jobs remains unclear. Daniele Quercia and colleagues used machine learning to investigate itself, by identifying patents for AI technologies that may impact various occupational tasks. The work is published in PNAS Nexus.

The model used a dataset of 17,879 task descriptions from O*NET, a US government-run occupations database, as well as 24,758 AI patents filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office between 2015 and 2022 and measured semantic similarity between occupation task descriptions and patent descriptions. The analysis was not merely an exercise in word matching but compared entire task descriptions to entire patents.

For each task, the most similar patent was identified and if the patent was more than 90% similar to the task, that task was considered impacted by AI. Each occupation was then given an AI Impact (AII) score by dividing the number of its tasks impacted by AI patents by the total number of tasks for that occupation.

Using this method, the team identified the most impacted occupations, which include orthodontists, security guards, and air traffic controllers. The team also identified the least impacted occupations, which include pile driver operators, dredge operators, and graders of agricultural products.

According to the authors, occupations including repetitive tasks were not always those most impacted by AI—jobs that include tasks in a specific sequence that produce a machine-readable output were most likely to be impacted.

The team found that research often overestimates how much AI will take away jobs because sectors potentially impacted by AI, like health care and transportation, currently need more workers, not fewer and because AI is likely to augment rather than replace many jobs. For example, AI can analyze medical images like X-rays to help doctors find issues but cannot replace doctors.

According to the authors, tech developers should focus on creating tools that support rather than replace people, and leaders should promote the use of AI with an emphasis on training and education so everyone can benefit.

More information:
The potential impact of AI innovations on US occupations, PNAS Nexus (2024). DOI: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae320. … /3/9/pgae320/7758639

See a visualization of the data at

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PNAS Nexus

Examining patents to find impact of AI on specific jobs (2024, September 24)
retrieved 24 September 2024

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Study finds good nutrition boosts honey bee resilience against pesticides, viruses

Study finds good nutrition boosts honey bee resilience against pesticides, viruses

Study: Good nutrition boosts honey bee resilience against pesticides, viruses
Honey bees do best when they have access to a variety of natural pollens. Credit: Michelle Hassel

In a new study, researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign tackled a thorny problem: How do nutritional stress, viral infections and exposure to pesticides together influence honey bee survival? By looking at all three stressors together, the scientists found that good nutrition enhances honey bee resilience against the other threats.

Their findings are detailed in the journal Science of the Total Environment.

“Multiple stressors are often bad for survival,” said graduate student Edward Hsieh, who led the research with U. of I. entomology professor Adam Dolezal. “However, it is always context-dependent, and you have to be aware of all these factors when you’re trying to make broad statements about how interactive effects affect honey bees.”

Most studies focus on only one or two factors at a time, Hsieh said. They will explore the interplay of poor nutrition and pesticide exposures, for example, or pesticides and viral infections. But no previous studies have looked at how all three factors contribute to honey bee declines—probably because doing so is quite challenging.

Even understanding how bees respond to all the agricultural chemicals they encounter is a complicated task, Dolezal said.

“Some insecticides will work better against some insects than others, but they tend to be more lethal than fungicides or herbicides,” he said. “Some fungicides, however, are known to make insecticides more toxic to insects.”

Study: Good nutrition boosts honey bee resilience against pesticides, viruses
Ecologists worried that creating narrow strips of pollinator habitat abutting agricultural fields might serve as an “ecological trap” for bees, drawing them in to forage on the flowers only to kill them with pesticides. A new study finds that high-quality floral resources boost honey bee resilience against pesticide exposures and infection with a deadly virus. Credit: Iowa State University, left, and Lynn Betts, right

For the new study, the team looked at pollen collected by honey bees visiting small patches of restored prairie bordering agricultural fields in Iowa. The researchers used the maximum insecticide and fungicide levels detected in bee-collected pollen grains as their guide to likely chemical exposures in the wild.

In a series of experiments, Hsieh exposed groups of caged honey bees to different dietary, viral and/or chemical treatments. The bees were fed either artificial or natural pollen. The agricultural pesticides included chlorpyrifos, an organophosphate; lambda-cyhalothrin, a pyrethroid; or thiamethoxam, a neonicotinoid.

Hsieh also infected some of the caged bees with the Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus, one of several viruses known to contribute to the collapse of honey bee colonies around the world.

The experiments yielded some obvious and some unexpected results, Dolezal said.

“What we found was that with the artificial pollen, if bees are exposed to the virus, a lot of them die. And if you expose them to the virus and pesticide at the same time, even more of them die,” he said. “However, if you do the exact same experiment but you give them better nutrition, you get a very different outcome.”

On the natural pollen diet, bees exposed to the virus still experienced higher mortality, the researchers found. But fewer bees died when they were also exposed to a mixture of chlorpyrifos and a fungicide.

“Bees have this inherent ability to deal with stress, and so if you give them a little bit of stress, like a low-level exposure to a pesticide, it may help them deal with a bigger stress from a pathogen like the virus,” Dolezal said. “However, it only works if they have the nutritional resources to do it.”

Study: Good nutrition boosts honey bee resilience against pesticides, viruses
llinois entomology professor Adam Dolezal, right, and graduate student Edward Hsieh found that pollen from natural sources enhances honey bee resilience when the bees are exposed to agricultural chemicals and infected with Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus. Credit: Michelle Hassel

The researchers warned this doesn’t mean that chemical exposures don’t matter.

“Different pesticides have different molecular targets and do different things,” Dolezal said. “It’s not okay if bees get exposed to a little bit of any pesticide. It depends on the chemical.”

The findings offer some reassurance that providing high-quality prairie habitat near agricultural sites does not create an “ecological trap,” attracting bees to the flowers only to kill them with agricultural chemicals.

“The takeaway from this study is that bees are quite resilient even to the interaction of pesticides and viruses if they have really good nutrition,” Dolezal said. “However, we don’t want people to conclude that pesticides are not a big deal for the bees.”

Pesticides, alone or in combination with viruses, are in most cases detrimental to bees.

“But it is gratifying to know that providing high-quality habitat can at least increase their resilience to these stressors,” Hsieh said.

More information:
Edward M. Hsieh et al, Nutrition, pesticide exposure, and virus infection interact to produce context-dependent effects in honey bees (Apis mellifera), Science of The Total Environment (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.175125

Study finds good nutrition boosts honey bee resilience against pesticides, viruses (2024, September 24)
retrieved 24 September 2024

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