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Indigenous data sovereignty can help save British Columbia’s wild salmon

Indigenous data sovereignty can help save British Columbia's wild salmon

wild salmon
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

Non-Indigenous scientists increasingly realize that Indigenous data are key to solving today’s environmental challenges.

Indigenous Peoples have generated and cared for data for millennia, passing down knowledge through traditions like storytelling, art and language. This knowledge is crucial to Indigenous ways of life, including the sustainable stewardship of ecosystems.

With partnerships between non-Indigenous scientists and Indigenous knowledge holders proliferating, incorporating Indigenous data sovereignty (IDS)—the right of Indigenous Peoples to govern the collection, ownership and application of their data—is vital for successful collaborations and conservation.

Science and Indigenous data

Non-Indigenous scientists have a troubling track record of unethical research practices.

Examples of treating Indigenous knowledge holders as research subjects are common and often lead to exploitation, mistrust and ongoing power imbalances that persist today. For instance, Indigenous data—which includes information about an Indigenous Nation and its land, resources, demographic data, education levels, sacred land maps, songs, social media, and beyond—may be used without proper acknowledgement constituting the theft and exploitation of Indigenous knowledge and resources.

Transparent collaborations between external researchers and Indigenous Peoples are a positive development. However, collaborations can also place pressures on Indigenous knowledge holders and communities. These pressures can compound stresses upon communities who are at the same time also dealing with the legacies of violent colonial dispossession and navigating environmental harms and injustices largely not of their own making.

Indigenous rights to data sovereignty are recognized by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). UNDRIP is further affirmed as federal law through Canada’s United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act and encoded as provincial law in B.C. through the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act.

A panel discussion on Indigenous data sovereignty produced by the National Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis.

Growing recognition that Indigenous data can inform environmental stewardship has only added to pressures on Indigenous knowledge holders and communities to publicize their data. Meanwhile, the open data and big data movements—which aim to make data widely accessible and combine data from various sources to address societal issues—is simultaneously pressuring Nations to release control.

While open data offers benefits like accountability and broader analyses, it also puts Indigenous Peoples’ control over their data at risk.

Exclusion of Indigenous data from data-sets marginalizes Indigenous communities, while inclusion without proper guidance perpetuates biases and removes data from their cultural contexts. Initiatives like the First Nations Principles of OCAP and the CARE Principles integrate Indigenous perspectives into data governance and offer a path toward aligning open data practices with Indigenous sovereignty.

IDS in British Columbia

Efforts to protect wild Pacific salmon populations in B.C. demonstrate the importance of IDS for conservation.

Pacific salmon are essential for healthy ecosystems and hold deep cultural significance for Indigenous Peoples across Western Canada. Threats to salmon, spanning freshwater and marine habitats, are complex and diverse.

For millennia before colonization, many First Nations in B.C. utilized data to manage salmon fisheries sustainably. Today, the reliance on industry data by government regulators like Fisheries and Oceans Canada poses risks to salmon populations and undermines Indigenous stewardship.

In June 2022, we were a part of an online webinar hosted by the Watershed Futures Initiative at Simon Fraser University that brought together First Nations knowledge holders and technical staff to discuss these challenges in the context of wild Pacific salmon in B.C.

The findings of this event were recently published in Facets and include potential steps for First Nations governments to take in asserting sovereignty over their data. Additionally, there are also recommendations that external researchers can follow to ensure they respect IDS and maintain ethical data management.

For example, First Nations may want to create steps or policies for external researchers or neighboring Nations to follow when requesting access to their data or territories. Nations may also want to create tools supporting data collection, management and dissemination, or consider using outside tools to help manage data.

Meanwhile, non-Indigenous researchers must educate themselves about IDS, engage with First Nations before planning research or monitoring, and avoid making assumptions about ownership and data management. They can also find ways to direct funding and resources to Nations and advocate for changing policies within and beyond their organizations or institutions.

To support these efforts, we created an Indigenous Data Sovereignty toolkit with links for further reading, third-party tools for data management, template data agreements and more.

Moving forward

Indigenous Peoples are global leaders in environmental justice and conservation, yet discussions about collaborative research often overlooks the importance of IDS. Meanwhile, the push for open data policies may disregard Indigenous rights and undermine efforts to protect Indigenous data.

We call for greater consideration of IDS in research, conservation and governance arrangements. Scientists must integrate IDS into research partnerships to support Indigenous sovereignty and facilitate more successful conservation outcomes. At the same time, Crown decision-makers must establish governance agreements with Nations that respect and value Indigenous data sovereignty.

IDS is imperative for equitable and sustainable conservation efforts, paving the way for a future where ecosystems flourish, wildlife thrives and communities prosper.

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The Conversation

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.The Conversation

Indigenous data sovereignty can help save British Columbia’s wild salmon (2024, June 24)
retrieved 25 June 2024

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Biodiversity loss from 2010 oil spill worse than predicted

Biodiversity loss from 2010 oil spill worse than predicted

Biodiversity loss from 2010 oil spill worse than predicted - News Center
The black outline shows the estimated impacted area (1100 square miles) of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, significantly larger than previously reported areas. Credit: Masoud Rostami

A new peer-reviewed study from researchers at The University of Texas at Arlington; the University of Nevada, Reno; Mokwon University in Daejeon, Korea; and Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi shows the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill of 2010 affected wildlife and their habitat much more than previously understood.

The work is published in the journal Marine Pollution Bulletin.

“Overall, we found the area of deep-sea floor affected by the DWH spill was significantly larger than previously thought,” said Masoud Rostami, an author of the study and assistant professor of instruction in UTA’s Division of Data Science.

In recent decades, deep-water ecosystems in lakes, oceans, and seas around the world have faced pressures from offshore oil and gas production, including frequent contamination from oil and other pollutants. The DWH oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that started on April 20, 2010, was the largest marine oil spill in U.S. history, releasing nearly 5 million barrels of crude oil and hydrocarbon gases over 87 days, with 3.2 million barrels of oil remaining in the water after cleanup efforts.

This spill greatly exceeded the amount of natural discharge of oil that seeps in the Gulf each year, and up to 35% of the pollutants were trapped below the surface, severely impacting the lives and habitats of the plants, animals, and microorganisms (like bacteria and fungi) that live deep in the ocean. For this study, the researchers focused on the harpacticoid copepods, a type of crustacean that lives near the bottom of the ocean, to better understand the DWH spill’s effects on the deep-sea ecosystem in the Gulf of Mexico. Copepods are good for this type of study because they live in several different deep-sea habitats and are known to be sensitive to pollution.

Researchers found that the spill affected biodiversity over an area of 1,100 square miles—a area nearly nine times larger than earlier studies on DWH. Using advanced methodologies, including remote sensing, multivariate statistical analysis, and machine-learning approaches, the team detected subtle changes in the deep-sea copepod community composition.

“This study demonstrates that harpacticoid copepod diversity dramatically declined because of DWH oil pollution,” said Rostami.

More information:
Jeffrey G. Baguley et al, Harpacticoid copepods expand the scope and provide family-level indicators of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill deep-sea impacts, Marine Pollution Bulletin (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116343

Biodiversity loss from 2010 oil spill worse than predicted (2024, June 24)
retrieved 25 June 2024

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part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.

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COâ‚‚ puts heavier stamp on temperature than previously thought, analysis suggests

COâ‚‚ puts heavier stamp on temperature than previously thought, analysis suggests

 Pacific Ocean
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

A doubling of the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere could cause an increase in the average temperature on Earth from 7 to a maximum of 14 degrees. This is shown in the analysis of sediments from the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California, by researchers at NIOZ and the Universities of Utrecht and Bristol. Their results were published in Nature Communications.

“The temperature rise we found is much larger than the 2.3 to 4.5 degrees that the UN climate panel, IPCC, has been estimating so far,” said the first author, Caitlyn Witkowski.

The researchers used a 45-year-old drill core extracted from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. “I realized that this core is very attractive for researchers, because the ocean floor at that spot has had oxygen-free conditions for many millions of years,” said Professor Jaap Sinninghe Damsté, senior scientist at NIOZ and professor of organic geochemistry at Utrecht University.

“As a result, organic matter is not broken down as quickly by microbes and more carbon is preserved,” Damsté said. He was also the supervisor of Witkowski, whose doctorate thesis included this research.

“CO2 over the past 15 million years has never before been examined from a single location,” Witkowski said. The upper thousand meters of the drill core correspond to the past 18 million years. From this record, the researchers were able to extract an indication of the past seawater temperature and an indication of ancient atmospheric CO2 levels, using a new approach.

Derived temperature

The researchers derived the temperature using a method developed 20 years ago at NIOZ, called the TEX86 method. “That method uses specific substances that are present in the membrane of archaea, a distinct class of microorganisms,” Damsté explains.

“Those archaea optimize the chemical composition of their membrane depending on the temperature of the water in the upper 200 meters of the ocean. Substances from that membrane can be found as molecular fossils in the ocean sediments, and analyzed to this day.”

CO2 from chlorophyll and cholesterol

The researchers developed a new approach to derive past atmospheric CO2 content by using the chemical composition of two specific substances commonly found in algae: chlorophyll and cholesterol. This is the first study to use cholesterol for quantitative CO2 and the first study to use chlorophyll for this time period. To create these substances, algae must absorb CO2 from the water and fix it via photosynthesis.

Damsté said, “A very small fraction of the carbon on Earth occurs in a ‘heavy form,’ 13C instead of the usual 12C. Algae have a clear preference for 12C. However, the lower the CO2 concentration in the water, the more algae will also use the rare 13C. Thus, the 13C content of these two substances is a measure of the CO2 content of the ocean water. And that in turn, according to solubility laws, correlates with the CO2 content of the atmosphere.”

Using this new method, it appears that the CO2 concentration dropped from about 650 parts per million, 15 million years back, to 280 just before the industrial revolution.

Stronger relationship

When the researchers plot the derived temperature and atmospheric CO2 levels of the past 15 million years against each other, they find a strong relationship.

The average temperature 15 million years back was over 18 degrees: 4 degrees warmer than today and about the level that the UN climate panel, IPCC, predicts for the year 2100 in the most extreme scenario.

“So, this research gives us a glimpse of what the future could hold if we take too few measures to reduce CO2 emissions and also implement few technological innovations to offset emissions,” Damsté said.

“The clear warning from this research is CO2 concentration is likely to have a stronger impact on temperature than we are currently taking into account.”

More information:
Caitlyn R. Witkowski et al, Continuous sterane and phytane δ13C record reveals a substantial pCO2 decline since the mid-Miocene, Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-47676-9

COâ‚‚ puts heavier stamp on temperature than previously thought, analysis suggests (2024, June 24)
retrieved 25 June 2024

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Family conditions may have more of an impact on upward social mobility than gender inequality


Credit: CC0 Public Domain

Family conditions—specifically, how similar one’s social status and background is to one’s parents’ status—may play a bigger role in determining how easily an individual can shift into a wealthier socioeconomic class than gender inequality, according to a study of 153 countries published June 20, 2024 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Khanh Duong from Maynooth University, Ireland.

As global inequality increases, researchers have found that countries with higher levels of income inequality tend to experience lower rates of class mobility (in other words, individuals in a lower socioeconomic class find it more difficult to move into a wealthier class).

In this study, Duong analyzed how education, gender inequality, and family conditions (specifically, how similar children are to their parents, also known in this context as parental dependency) interact and affect class mobility. He used data from the Global Database on Intergenerational Mobility for 153 countries worldwide (of which 115 are classified as “developing economies”), further split into generational cohorts for each decade from the 1940s–1980s to build his model.

Duong’s preliminary analyses showed a positive relationship between education expansion and mobility, and a negative relationship between education inequality and mobility. Parental dependency showed only a weak positive correlation with mobility. However, following the application of estimation techniques to address confounding issues between parental dependency and other factors, the final model showed that parental dependency had the largest, negative effect on upward social mobility (with an effect size of 0.1).

Though increases in education promoted social mobility, the model showed this was a weak effect and was potentially ineffective when parental dependency existed at a high level. His model also showed that the gender inequality effect on mobility (as seen in the outcomes of families with daughters and sons) was significantly smaller (effect size of 0.005) than the parental dependency effect, although still present.

Duong suggests that policymakers promoting social mobility should focus on shifting traditions such as “like father, like son.”

He adds, “The study shows that while gender inequality in intergenerational mobility persists, it has significantly decreased across generations and is less important than parental influence. Thus, reassessing the roles of parental influence and gender bias is necessary, as the former is currently underestimated and the latter overemphasized.”

More information:
What really matters for global intergenerational mobility?, PLoS ONE (2024). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0302173

Family conditions may have more of an impact on upward social mobility than gender inequality (2024, June 20)
retrieved 25 June 2024

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Space radiation can damage satellites—next-generation material could self-heal when exposed to cosmic rays

Space radiation can damage satellites—next-generation material could self-heal when exposed to cosmic rays

Space radiation can damage satellites—next-generation material could self-heal when exposed to cosmic rays
Dual dose irradiation experiments. Irradiation of the PSC with a NIEL-dominated 0.06 MeV proton beam (red) is followed by irradiation with a 1.0 MeV proton beam (green). By varying the fluence of the two radiation exposures, we selectively demonstrate how IEL participates in partial recovery of the solar cell performance after initial radiation damage. Credit: Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-44876-1

The space environment is harsh and full of extreme radiation. Scientists designing spacecraft and satellites need materials that can withstand these conditions.

In a paper published in January 2024 in Nature Communications, my team of materials researchers demonstrated that a next-generation semiconductor material called metal-halide perovskite can actually recover and heal itself from radiation damage.

Metal-halide perovskites are a class of materials discovered in 1839 that are found abundantly in Earth’s crust. They absorb sunlight and efficiently convert it into electricity, making them a potentially good fit for space-based solar panels that can power satellites or future space habitats.

Researchers make perovskites in the form of inks, then coat the inks onto glass plates or plastic, creating thin, filmlike devices that are lightweight and flexible.

Surprisingly, these thin-film solar cells perform as well as conventional silicon solar cells in laboratory demonstrations, even though they are almost 100 times thinner than traditional solar cells.

But these films can degrade if they’re exposed to moisture or oxygen. Researchers and industry are currently working on addressing these stability concerns for terrestrial deployment.

Cosmic rays move through space, and too much exposure can damage satellites and spacecraft.

To test how they might hold up in space, my team developed a radiation experiment. We exposed perovskite solar cells to protons at both low and high energies and found a unique, new property.

The high-energy protons healed the damage caused by the low-energy protons, allowing the device to recover and continue doing its job. The conventional semiconductors used for space electronics do not show this healing.

My team was surprised by this finding. How can a material that degrades when exposed to oxygen and moisture not only resist the harsh radiation of space but also self-heal in an environment that destroys conventional silicon semiconductors?

In our paper, we started to unravel this mystery.

Why it matters

Scientists predict that in the next 10 years, satellite launches into near-Earth orbit will increase exponentially, and space agencies such as NASA aim to establish bases on the moon.

Materials that can tolerate extreme radiation and self-heal would change the game.

Researchers estimate that deploying just a few pounds of perovskite materials into space could generate up to 10,000,000 watts of power. It currently costs about US$4,000 per kilogram ($1,818 per pound) to launch materials into space, so efficient materials are important.

What still isn’t known

Our findings shed light on a remarkable aspect of perovskites—their tolerance to damage and defects. Perovskite crystals are a type of soft material, which means that their atoms can move into different states that scientists call vibrational modes.

Atoms in perovskites are normally arranged in a lattice formation. But radiation can knock the atoms out of position, damaging the material. The vibrations might help reposition the atoms back into place, but we’re still not sure exactly how this process works.

What’s next?

Our findings suggest that soft materials might be uniquely helpful in extreme environments, including space.

But radiation isn’t the only stress that materials have to weather in space. Scientists don’t yet know how perovskites will fare when exposed to vacuum conditions and extreme temperature variations, along with radiation, all at once. Temperature could play a role in the healing behavior my team saw, but we’ll need to conduct more research to determine how.

These results tell us that soft materials could help scientists develop technology that works well in extreme environments. Future research could dive deeper into how the vibrations in these materials relate to any self-healing properties.

More information:
Ahmad R. Kirmani et al, Unraveling radiation damage and healing mechanisms in halide perovskites using energy-tuned dual irradiation dosing, Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-44876-1

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The Conversation

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.The Conversation

Space radiation can damage satellites—next-generation material could self-heal when exposed to cosmic rays (2024, June 24)
retrieved 25 June 2024

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